On the Road, Our Way

The Solo Travel Practices of Laura Austin

Episode Summary

Nobody ever said that solo travel was easy. But someone like Laura Austin would probably say that it’s worth it.

Episode Notes

Nobody ever said that solo travel was easy. But someone like Laura Austin would probably say that it’s worth it.

Laura uses solo travel as a way of refreshing her mind when things feel stale at home, but you’d be wrong if you think she looks at these trips as vacations. Flat tires, loneliness, and uncertainty are all a part of traveling alone, and Laura is no stranger to any of them. But instead of seeing these challenges as obstacles to avoid, we spend this episode hearing from her on how these bumps along the way have been catalysts for her personal growth, even after the trip is over.

About Laura:

With wanderlust running through her veins, photographer Laura Austin is someone you can’t help but watch. After growing up in small mountain towns in Colorado and Vermont, she is currently based in Los Angeles. The contrast of her roots in nature and the urban environment where she lives now forces Laura to constantly escape the city and explore. Meshing her previous professions as a graphic designer and journalist, Laura’s skill is visual storytelling. She makes the simple fantastical and the fantastical feasible, roaming to all ends of the earth and bringing it back to us every time in hopes of getting you out to experience the world for yourself... or at least make you feel you were along for the ride just by looking at her images.

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Music is by Hyson, Jason Shaw, and Josh Woodward.

A production of 

Ravel Media