On the Road, Our Way

Starting Off Solo: Emily Hart

Episode Summary

Emily Hart is no stranger to solo travel. In fact, she’s on a quest to visit every National Park in the US, and she has some insightful thoughts on what it’s like to start traveling alone.

Episode Notes

Emily Hart is no stranger to solo travel. In fact, she’s on a quest to visit every National Park in the US, and she has some insightful thoughts on what it’s like to start traveling alone.

Whether you travel alone regularly, or the thought of it fills you with dread-- we’ve been there. And this episode is for you.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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Episodes air weekly on Fridays-- subscribe wherever you listen so you never miss an episode. Follow along with Laura Borichevsky on Instagram (@howsheviewsit) and see more of her work through her website, How She Views It.

Music is by Jason Shaw and Josh Woodward via Free Music Archive using a CC by A license.

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Ravel Media