On the Road, Our Way

After the Road

Episode Summary

What happens with the road trip ends? If the road calls out to you, it-- or something similar-- probably always will. But it can be difficult to talk about what makes us step away from travel for a while, which is why we enlisted the help of all you listeners out there to share your thoughts and stories.

Episode Notes

What happens with the road trip ends? If the road calls out to you, it-- or something similar-- probably always will. But it can be difficult to talk about what makes us step away from travel for a while, which is why we enlisted the help of all you listeners out there to share your thoughts and stories. Because just like there are so many things that get us to say “yes” to a road trip, there’s also a wide range of reasons we say “yes” to staying put for a bit.

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Episodes air weekly on Fridays-- subscribe wherever you listen so you never miss an episode. Follow along with Laura Borichevsky on Instagram (@howsheviewsit) and see more of her work through her website, How She Views It.

Music is by Josh Woodward.

A production of 

Ravel Media